顎式破碎機 |
發布時間:2017-10-20 |
說明:1、表中生產能力與破碎物料的硬度、脆性、易碎性、進料粒度有關; Description: 1. Production capacity in the table is related to the hardness, brittleness, fragility, and feed size of the material to be crushed; 2、 表中生產能力是按物料堆積比重1.63、含水量<5%。計算的; 2. Production capacity in the table is calculated by taking material's bulk specific weight as 1.63 and water content <5%; 3、 單獨我公司生產的PEQ-320X600強力型顎式破碎機專門用于破碎鉻鐵、錳鐵、和各種爐料。 3. Our PEQ-320X600 powerful jaw crusher specializes in crushing the ferrochrome, ferromanganese, and furnace burdens.